The foundation of our coaching incorporates these primary methodologies:
Ontological and Systemic Change Approach: A dynamic, transformative coaching model that systemically addresses how you relate to the world through your language and emotions. Ontological coaching is often a catalyst for paradigm shifts. It is a bedrock model of coaching that addresses where real change happens: below the surface. In fact, behavioral change accounts for only 10% of your overall performance and results.
Neuroleadership Application: An emerging field of study focused on understanding the elements of change from the perspective of the brain. We apply the latest neuroscience discoveries to better leverage change in our clients.
Cognitive Behavioral Coaching: This approach develops an awareness of the habitually recurring thinking patterns. As negative thought patterns can be personally and interpersonally destructive, we coach you to transmute destructive thoughts to minimise the impact on your performance, and job-seeking results.
Mindfulness: This is a process of creating sustained awareness and focus in the moment to override reactive emotional tendencies. Starting a new career can be mentally challenging at the best of times, so we aim to help support and guide the way your mind deals with it.
“Competing Commitment to Change” Model: While individuals can change and can be taught to change, they often don’t change or resist change. The root cause is often a competing commitment outside their conscious awareness. This Kegan and Lahey model is a four-step process that exposes an individual’s hidden commitments that conflict with their conscious motivations and goals.