I contacted Career Smart in July 2022, my coach (Mike) explained what to expect, and I went ahead with the 8 week programme in August. It was very thorough and I learned a lot throughout it. I have a city and guilds qualification within electronics engineering, and I knew that was the field I wanted to move into, so that made the first module quite easy. The problem I was having was actually finding a job. I knew what I wanted to do, I had a qualification and I was located in a fairly strong area for this skill, but I just couldn’t get past the interview stages. In total, it took just 6 weeks to find a job. I think the thing that helped the most was the insight into how recruiters think. I didn’t realise most UK recruiters look at a CV for less than 10 seconds before making a decision to progress or not. Also, the interview mock practice really firmed up the sorts of things I need to do to prepare. I started my new job immediately, and it was a great experience. Highly recommend.