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Ooh, I wonder why you wanted to read this? Perhaps its to validate your own career choices, or maybe it’s to find out just how easy it can be for some? Either way, lets move onto the list!
- Barristers and Judges (28 hours) – Perhaps not the most assessable career path given the frontloaded time and cost outlay, but perhaps it’s a doddle after a few years?
- Musicians (22 hours) – I guess they live the true rock and roll lifestyle! But clocking in with an average UK salary of just above £42,000 shows it pays well to be artistic!
- Podiatrists (22 hours) – …possibility not a career path for everyone, but with a respectable 22 hours per week, earning just shy of £40,000, it’s a good choice. Also the UK unemployment rate for Podiatrists is under 1%!
- School Crossing Patrol (16 hours) – A big jump down to just 3 hours per day, sounds easy right, but remember you have to be there in all weathers!
- Driving Instructors (14 hours) – Pretty good hours, combined with a decent £30,200 average salary brings this out at number 1. However instructors do seem to be earning less than they did 5 years ago – perhaps due to fuel and car prices.
And there we have it. A list of the top 5 jobs in the UK with the shortest average hours. If you’re a podiatrist who spends 60+ hours a week looking at feet, please don’t get angry, this really is set of UK averages!
*Taken from the UK Government Statista data from 2019/20 (pre pandemic)